Archive for drama & mishaps

Hunting – – Day 1

Day 1- Friday July 10, 2009

Plan was to set off at about 1pm in the afternoon. We all gathered at Nelson’s place at about 1.30- African time for you. But Nelson himself the man of the hour, was nowhere to be seen. He had gone off to pick up the last few things, most importantly ice for preserving the meat on the ride home. Since about 12.30 he had been promising to be on his way home. He didn’t show till 2.30pm.

We packed up all of our supplies and everything we thought we needed for 2 and half days in the bush in the Nelson’s Bighorn, the Trooper and the trailer that we had hitched to the Trooper. At about 4.00pm, we were all packed up and ready to go, or so we thought. Nelson had forgotten some paperwork at Jesmondine and so needed to go back and get it and we needed to fill up the Trooper with diesel. We set off to get gas and Nelson to get his paperwork, planning on meeting up at the Petroda filling station outside of town.

Trying to beat the traffic in the heart of town, we set off towards Kamwala market. We apparently had forgotten a few things: 1. It was now the end of the workday and so there was heavy traffic during rush hour; 2. it was also the end of week and so there were even more cars on the road as commuters tried to make their way out of town. Seriously, traffic was grid-locked. We spent over 30 minutes barely making a mile. The public transportation bus drivers, had at this point resorted to getting off the road and driving on the sidewalk, so that they could get their passengers to their destinations and to pick up more passengers.

When we finally made it out of town, we stopped for fuel and lunch and then set-off towards the bush. At this point I was beginning to get more familiar with my fellow hunters. Abel and Phillip rode in Nelson’s car. They were students from the University of Zambia (UNZA). My dad (Okorie) was driving the trooper and riding with us in the trooper was Vic, a white Zimbabwean chap that now lived in Zambia and Solomon, an old friend who had often accompanied Okorie and Vic for many hunting expeditions. The stories and the adventures that these 3 fellows share would fill a book and more. I was looking forward to the stories and adventures that this trip would bring. As the only female on the trip, it was important to me that from the onset, I wasn’t treated as such and was seen as just one of the fellows and I made that explicitly clear.

Trying to make up for time, we hurried through the Zambian countryside, blasting through Kafue, and stopping in Mazabuka to get more gas and say bye to Okorie’s friends, the Kutis who had been in Livingstone viewing the Victoria Falls and were set to leave Zambia before we returned from the bush. Night had fallen upon us and we were hoping to still be able to make it into Lochinvar to set up camp the same night so that we could head out at day break in search of our targets early Saturday.

So after the pleasantries had been exchanged and gas was put in the car and all who needed to, washed their feet (group slang for using the bathroom), on we went towards Monze. The park (Lochinvar) was located just outside of Monze. We made it to the turn-off by about 7.30pm, the sign that was now too dark to read, stated that Lochinvar was 42km away from the turn-off on dirt roads. Oh, boy, had we read the sign, we might have saved ourselves some drama, but no that just wouldn’t be any fun and so off we went off the tarmac and into the bush without reading the sign.  About 12km into the bush, in the dark, we were flagged down by some chaps next to a stalled vehicle. They had blown a tyre on the dirt road, which is quite commonplace on these treacherous dirt roads and of all things did not have a jack! So we stopped to give them a hand and let them use our jack so that they could carry on their way.

Just after the stalled car we came up on the gate into the Kafue National Park, I think. We came upon a gate anyway. Shortly after the gate, I saw a sign for Lochinvar and assumed we were being welcomed into the park. So, being me, I felt adequately welcomed and made no mention of the sign. On we went down the dirt road for about 2 hours, till Solomon asked that we stop and get directions because he was sure we had missed the sign pointing us in the right direction. At this point, I say, “oh wait are you looking for the sign that said Lochinvar, I saw it a while back.” I probably should have kept my mouth shut but that’s not like me and so I set myself up for some major ribbing the rest of the hunting trip.

Trying to get back on the right road, we stopped a number of times to ask for directions. Note that, it’s about 10.30 at night and the only people on the road are the village drunks attempting to make their way back home. The first guy that we stopped to talk to, quite literally ran away from us. He was high and I’m guessing we must have looked somewhat scary perhaps dangerous- haha. Anyway he comes back and talks to us making absolutely no sense. So, on we went and we asked the next fellows we came up on and they said keep going down the road and after the second bridge turn left and you’ll get to the gate. We kept going but that second bridge seemed elusive and so we stopped again to ask for directions and this time the old man who was helping us replied in Tonga saying, “hajime, hajime, hajime,” or something to that effect which in English meant, “I am also lost, can you help me? Do yo0u know where I am?”

At this point it’s late and we’re cold and seriously lost. Nelson’s following behind us about 100 yards so he could see through the dust. After coming up on a truck, whose driver said, yes, he was heading back from Lochinvar and we needed to make a left turn to get to the park, we decided to wait for Nelson to catch up. He didn’t. We assumed that he had found another road to the park and so turned around to find him, which mind you wasn’t easy because we had the trailer hitched to our car and the road was not very wide. We found nelson and he hadn’t found a road. He had…. wait for it…. blown a tire! Oh, the irony. So we obviously stopped to deal with that. As we were done fixing and replacing the tire, we were met by two chaps who ended up conning us into giving them a lift that took us out of our way a bit and set us on a village road that at many times was not a road at all, but hey, as long as we were moving in the right direction.

 7a Hunting Lochinvar 096

Finally after waking up a school teacher, fetching water from a well, wolfing down high energy cookie and driving through a ravine in search of “the lights” (directions from the teacher), we arrived at the gate. It was now 12.30am and freezing cold outside. Blocking the gates with our vehicles we parked outside and all but Vic slept in the cars for 5 hours till the gates opened up at 6.

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in the system

so for the last seven-ish years, I’d like to think that I have been on my best behavior ;-). Well, at least on my better behavior and I have done what I could to keep my record clean. I have zero desire to have my info popping up when CSI:Lincoln [haha] or whomever goes looking for suspects. Not that I buy into conspiracy theories but I’d like to think that I am to some degree in control of my personal info, my fingerprints and the like.

Well that all came crashing down today. In the space of an hour this morning, my fingerprints were entered into the system. Perhaps that is but a small price. Well, it’s not like I could have done anything anyways….

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The power was out AGAIN today. From just before noon till 7.30 pm.  What on earth????

I wish I was making this stuff up. Honestly, I do. The good thing however, is that I was out for most of the afternoon. The bad thing, we’ve only just started to prepare dinner and I am hungry!

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I apparently haven’t had enough

The lights went out again tonight. Actually about 30 mins into sundown, just as we absolutely needed electricity ZESCO (Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation) decided to make me even more appreciative of a steady reliable stream of electricity. The power was out for about 4 hours but luckily it came back on.

I am so glad I got a laptop that has +6hrs battery power. Seriously.

P.S. water was out for most of the day but came back in the evening. Just can’t take anything for granted.

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pains that never heal

Yesterday, I went to visit an orphange that I had volunteered at exactly 7 years ago. This orphanage, the House of Moses, caters to young children aged 0-1yr who have no one, no where, no thing.

It had changed since I had last been there. Now it homed 32 babies, 10 more than before. The offices had been moved out to create space for the growing demand. In spite of this, many more babies, many more children in Zambia were not as privileged or as lucky as these few, these 32.

Walking into the first nursery was an immediate assault on my hearing. Several babies screaming at unimaginably high decibels, all wanting nothing more than a confirmation of life, an intentional touch that conveyed care, love and acknowledged that they existed. But there was nothing that the caregivers could do. They each carried a child in a chitenge (a length of cloth) on their back and attended to the needs of another child.

I did the best I could. I held one child against my shoulder, another I laid along my legs and gently rocked, another I held up with my other hand while making faces at a fourth so as to keep him from crying. In spite of this, the heartbreaking sounds of many children crying continued to peal across the room. I held them, I rocked them, I touched them and I sang to them but I wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough.

I did have one particularly profound experience at the House of Moses though. Three kids playing together, two girls and a boy. One of the girls was crying and so the other two took turns putting a toy in her mouth, simulating the action of feeding her. She wasn’t hungry though. I had just seen her being feed by a caregiver a short while earlier. It seemed instead that what she needed was the interaction, the human touch. It was moving to see three young nubile infants, espousing care, compassion and consideration for each other. It gave me hope.

While visiting, I wondered how much it would cost to buy 32 new pacifiers, so that each child could have something that belonged to them.  I know that pacifiers aren’t much but it’s a start.

I also wondered if we could find hands, seeking nothing for themselves, instead giving from the heart, giving of everything. Hands  touching, holding, and loving these children, showing them that they belong and there is a place in this world for them. Hands that gave them someone, and gave them a place. Hands that would give them everything.

It is hard to put to words my experience in that house. Hard to convey the churning in my heart, my feelings and emotions.

I know this though, I hope never to become insensitive to this. I hope it always breaks my heart and the pain never heals….

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ahhh! yes, familiar african experiences

I just got done with the first team yesterday which meant that my uber-comfortable stay at the hotel was up….at least for the next 4 weeks or so. I am staying at a friend’s house right now. And as it to be expected, drama ensues.

I get to my friend’s place and she’s looking after 4 kids of another friend who had lost a family member and was gone for the funeral. 4 boisterous and opinionated children, the last of which, the 2.5-year old was headstrong and stubborn. I decided that a good movie might help facilitate a calmer evening. We all then  trucked to the mall to Blockbusters to get a movie. It took us probably an hour to select movies and get all the paperwork sorted. But we did it. We got back in the car and headed home, satisfied with our selections. All of us that is except the 2.5yr old, who I think was just pissed all night.

Anyway, once we get home, we realize that make that I, must have lost one of the 2 yr old’s shoes as I hauled her back to the car- she was fussy and I wasn’t having it. At home, I figured, pop the dvd in and all will be well. As we try to pick out the one that we’d watch, the lights went out. No power for the rest of the night and we couldn’t watch the dvd on my laptop because we had drained the battery while the power was on. I know, smart. We decided to do the next best thing, and all went to bed.

I woke up this morning and bathed out of  a bucket. My shortest bathing experience this year to date. I then used the water left-over from my bath (clean un-used water) to flush the toilet by bucket. Apparently, I still have the touch, 7 years in the US, did nothing to hurt my flushing arm.

NOTE: The flushing arm perfected in Nigeria at the age of 5. When I lived in Zambia, at school and with my parents, we always had plumbing.

I am regaining respect for the conveniences of my life that I had grown accustomed to.

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some website: has forwarded my most recent post about my phone and referred my blog to a slew of new visitors. That’s a bit disturbing.
Should I be glad that 47 people in the world took interest in the fact that I finally was able to take some time out and land a phone?
Anyhow, I am off for a nap. I’ve had a bit of a crappy day and I think an early evening nap might help set me straight.

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It finally came. I finally had to use a public restroom and unfortunately, I did not have my toilet seat covers with me or my little rolls of charmin or my hand sanitizer or anything. Crap!!! I was completely blind-sided.

I absolutely had to go or I would have made a fool of myself at a formal cocktail in front of important guests.
So I made peace with the decision and ventured into the bathroom. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! I absolutely wanted to retch.

 Exercising great restraint and self-control, I forced myself to man-up to the task at hand. Upon completion, I discovered there was no soap to wash my hands with, further still none of the 6 sinks that lined the wall had running water. At this point, I am losing my mind. Melt-down. I run up one way trying all the faucets. Nothing. Up the other trying again. Nothing. With two hands trying to turn the tap. Nothing. OH dear heavens! What the heck am I going to do now?

I go back to the cocktail and find our driver and hightail it to our vehicle where I regained my composure with a giant dollop of hand sanitizer and a good old baby wipe, wipe-down.

I’m doing better, but I have no desire for a repeat performance.

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on fear and shared blankets

I talked about losing my journal and in it I had spent a couple pages just exploring my feelings about returning to Africa just after having boarded the long trans-Atlantic flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg.

Now this entry will not be as deep or as thoughtful as that write-out was but I realized that I was quite anxious about returning to Africa. I am not quite sure just exactly where the fear and anxiety came from but it was overwhelming. I remember feeling like I was going to cry but staunchly refusing to do so because I was going to do my level best to put forward the most attractive me to the good-looking bloke sitting next to me. :-). I do know that part of my fear emanated from the realization and acknowledgement that I had changed drastically upon leaving Africa and the resulting apprehension that the new and developed me (that I quite rather like) would be incompatible with Africa, the cultures and lifestyle.

It is then somewhat ironic for me to note that the time that I spent next to good-looking bloke helped allay some of my fears. See good-looking bloke was a white south african dude and part of my anxiety had to do with noting the deep cleavages in Africa enforced by racial differences and nouveau me does not want to live out of such social constraints and institutions.  So the bloke was exceedingly nice and kind to me the entire trip and I felt comfortable and like me the entire time, not like any one else, not aware of much else besides the fact that I want to be a cute me sitting next to him (yes, I know how lame that sounds, but I am chronically frank). Anyway, in the middle of our flight it got cold and good-looking bloke didn’t have a blanket and the stewardess wouldn’t give him one and I offered to share my blanket and he was cool with that. We shared my blanket for over 7000 miles.

I am not sure that my fears have completely dissipated but of this I am sure, things’ll work out fine. They’ll just have to.

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getting here–drama from the start

Seriously, I went into this trip expecting some major drama but not so early in the game. I left Lincoln late-ish because my sister and I kept forgetting things at various places across town and we made it to the Omaha airport with about 35 minutes before my flight was scheduled to leave. Normally this is ample time to make even an international flight out of Omaha–trust me this is a solidly proved fact, I have extensive firsthand experience with my mother.

Anyway, we get there and I am trying to check in and the blasted kiosk is not working. It’s not taking my passport or frequent flyer number and I, for the life of me can not find my confirmation number any place. So I waste sometime trying to figure out if man indeed rules over machine or if machines are here to destroy the world.  I finally decide to walk up to the unmanned desk in the hopes that an attendant would appear on a glistening steed to save my day. Apparently saviors on steeds are not commonplace any more. The attendant that comes to help me (after a noticeable wait) stands on the scale and tells me that he will not check me onto my flight and that I wasn’t going to make my flight and so I had better just head back home and return the following day.

At this point I am adamantly stating that I need to be in Atlanta by 8pm so that I can make my connection and it is absolutely necessary that I make my connection to Johannesburg. Jerko numero uno does me the courtesy of checking one alternative that he than sardonically notes will still have me missing my connection in Atlanta. So here I am rather desperate and not quite understanding what my next move should be. So focusing intently, I turn on the waterworks, truth be told, I try to turn on the waterworks and I sure I wasn’t any good but it worked because before I know it, Joe Hero is at my side asking if the flight can be re-routed through, Chicago, Cleveland, anywhere. JoHe finds that if I flew to Detroit, I would make it into Atlanta with about 47 minutes to find and board my flight to Jo’burg. I am ecstatically happy.

One catch, the flight from Detroit to Atlanta has only one seat left, in first class. In addition, my bags were overweight, the large box was 55lbs and the suitcase was 59lbs- crud!  Jerko Uno wants me to pay the overweight charges but JoHe waves it off and is on the phone making sure that I get on the flight to Detroit and is trying to figure out what the price difference is on the fares that I would be expect to pay. I’m off to the shifting weight around to make sure that suitcase sits at 52lbs (just enough to slide by), while there, the valet attendant helping me sees my Big XII bag and asks if I am from a Big XII school and I mention that I am from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and this is actually an official trip that I am making for the university, thus why I need to make my connection in Atlanta. Super valet goes back up to the counter and relays this information to the Delta Airlines attendant while I am sitting on top of my bags to get them to close and when I get back to the counter, JoHe mentions that he was able to get them to waive the extra fees for my new flight schedule and I would not be required to pay the $1400 differential. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!!??!!? JoHe goes a step further and introduces me to the gate attendant and tells them how important it is that I get on the flight.

I got on the flight, caught up with my colleagues in Atlanta and made all of my connections.

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