
It finally came. I finally had to use a public restroom and unfortunately, I did not have my toilet seat covers with me or my little rolls of charmin or my hand sanitizer or anything. Crap!!! I was completely blind-sided.

I absolutely had to go or I would have made a fool of myself at a formal cocktail in front of important guests.
So I made peace with the decision and ventured into the bathroom. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! I absolutely wanted to retch.

 Exercising great restraint and self-control, I forced myself to man-up to the task at hand. Upon completion, I discovered there was no soap to wash my hands with, further still none of the 6 sinks that lined the wall had running water. At this point, I am losing my mind. Melt-down. I run up one way trying all the faucets. Nothing. Up the other trying again. Nothing. With two hands trying to turn the tap. Nothing. OH dear heavens! What the heck am I going to do now?

I go back to the cocktail and find our driver and hightail it to our vehicle where I regained my composure with a giant dollop of hand sanitizer and a good old baby wipe, wipe-down.

I’m doing better, but I have no desire for a repeat performance.

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